- (573) 635-5110
- Righttolife@missourilife.org
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:00
2014 Pro-Life
Legislative Information
2014 Pro-Life Legislative Information
Note: House votes for Representatives are on Separate Pages Due to the Number of Votes.
There are a total of 92 votes. Number of Votes for each Legislator varies based on involvement in committees, etc.
Be sure to scroll down to the end of the document for a complete look at your Representative’s votes.
- February 20, 2014 – Vote in Rules Committee on HB 1495:
MRL Opposed this economic development bill because it has no pro-life protections to keep state monies and tax credits from going to businesses that could do human cloning and human embryonic stem cell research. A yes vote supported HB 1495 without pro-life protections. - Thursday, February 13, 2014 – Third Read and Pass Vote on HB 1430:
MRL Supports HB 1430. HB 1430 specifies that anyone providing medical services cannot be required to perform or participate in activities that violate his or her conscience or principles. There were a few legislators that voted for HB 1430 in the perfection vote but had legitimate reasons for being out of the Capitol on the 3rd read vote, we know they are with us on HB 1430 but could not be there today for personal reasons. If you have any questions on your legislator’s vote, please call our office at 573-635-5110. - Wednesday, February 12, 2014 – Floor Vote on HB 1430:
MRL Supports HB 1430. HB 1430 specifies that anyone providing medical services cannot be required to perform or participate in activities that violate his or her conscience or principles - Monday, February 10 – Vote in Special Standing Committee on Small Business on HB 1495:
MRL Opposed this economic development bill because it has no pro-life protections to keep state monies and tax credits from going to businesses that could do human cloning and human embryonic stem cell research. A yes vote supported HB 1495 without pro-life protections. - Wednesday, February 5 – Vote in Rules Committee on HCS HB 1310 & 1236:
MRL Opposed this economic development bill because it has no pro-life protections to keep state monies and tax credits from going to businesses that could do human cloning and human embryonic stem cell research. A yes vote supported HCS HB 1310 & 1236 without pro-life protections. - Wednesday, January 29 – Vote in Special Standing Committee on Small Business on HCS HB 1310 & 1236:
MRL Opposed this economic development bill because it has no pro-life protections to keep state monies and tax credits from going to businesses that could do human cloning and human embryonic stem cell research. A yes vote supported HCS HB 1310 & 1236 without pro-life protections.
- July 2, 2014 – Governor Denies Women The Protection of a 72-hr Reflection Period
- June 30, 2014 – Right to Religious Freedom Triumphs
- May 16, 2014 – 2014 Legislative Session Wrap-Up: Many Successes – Few Disappointments
- May 6, 2014 – The Pro-Life Protections of 196.1127 Needs to Remain on Economic Development Bills, HB 1310, HB 1495, HB 1501, HB 1583 & SB 912
- February 10, 2014 – Open Letter to Missouri House Members Regarding Economic Development Legislation that Threatens the Lives of Innocent Human Beings
- January 31, 2014 – E-Mail Correspondence with Members of the Special Standing Committee on Small Business in Regards to HB 1310 and HB 1236
- Journal of the House (April 17, 2013)
- Memo on Economic Development Legislation with Pro-Life Concerns (April 24, 2013)
Sent to: Rep. Noel Torpey, 573-751-3623; Rep. Gary Cross, 573-751-1459; Rep. Kevin Austin, 573-751-0232; Rep. Kurt Bahr, 573-751-9768; Rep. Mike Bernskoetter, 573-751-0665; Rep. T.J. Berry, 573-751-2238; Rep. Rick Brattin, 573-751-3783; Rep. Charlie Davis, 573-751-7082; Rep. Ben Harris, 573-751-2398; Rep. Steve Hodges, 573-751-4085; Rep. Delus Johnson, 573-751-3666; Rep. Jeff Justus, 573-751-1309; Rep. Jeanie Lauer, 573-751-1487; Rep. Steve Lynch, 573-751-1446; Rep. John Mayfield, 573-751-3674; Rep. Lindell Shumake, 573-751-3613; Rep. Chrissy Sommer, 573-751-1452
- January 31, 2014 –Memo on Economic Development Legislation with Pro-Life Concerns (April 24, 2013)
- Journal of the House (April 17, 2013)
- Memo on Economic Development Legislation with Pro-Life Concerns (April 24, 2013)
Sent to: Rep. Anne Zerr, 573-751-3717; Rep. Jeanie Lauer, 573-751-1487; Rep. Kevin Austin, 573-751-0232; Rep. Wanda Brown, 573-751-3971; Rep. Paul Curtman, 573-751-3776; Rep. Kevin Engler, 573-751-3455; Rep. Lyndall Fraker, 573-751-4173; Rep. Doug Funderburk, 573-751-2176; Rep. Marsha Haefner, 573-751-3762; Rep. Jim Hansen, 573-751-4028; Rep. Tom Hurst, 573-751-1344; Rep. Michele Kratky, 573-751-4220; Rep. Jeff Messenger, 573-751-2381; Rep. Lynn Morris, 573-751-2565; Rep. Craig Redmon, 573-751-3644; Rep. Caleb Rowden, 573-751-1169; Rep. Chrissy Sommer, 573-751-1452; Rep. Noel Torpey, 573-751-3623; Rep. Paul Wieland, 573-751-3607
- April 29, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SCS SB’s 638 & 647 – Omnibus Benevolent Tax Credit Bill which includes raising the fiscal year cap on the Pregnancy Resource Centers and Maternity Homes Tax Credit from $2 million to $2.5 million dollars
- April 23, 2014 – Information from the Susan B. Anthony List about Planned Parenthood Relevant to SB 660 – Designates the priority for the state with respect to any funding for family planning services bad link
- April 8, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1613 – Establishes the “Ultrasound Informed Consent Act”
- April 2, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1585 – Establishes the Abortion Ban for Sex Selection and Genetic Abnormalities Act of 2014 to prohibit an abortion solely due to the sex of the unborn child or a genetic abnormality diagnosis
- March 26, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1846 – Pro-life bill that strengthens the laws regarding the enforcement of abortion laws
- March 6, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1478 – Changes the laws regarding the protection of women’s health care and requires more abortion clinic inspections
- March 4, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of HB 1848 – Pro-Abortion Legislation That Would Establish disclosure regulations for entities that provide pregnancy-related services
- February 27, 2014 – Statement in Support of HB 1314 – Modifies Missouri’s Health Care Freedom Act by prohibiting the state from implementing a health insurance exchange, prohibiting insurers from accepting remuneration and prescribing duties of the Attorney General
- February 26, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1375 – Requires any organization, institution, or facility which performs abortions to make an annual accounting of all funds received pursuant to Title X of the federal Public Health Service Act
- February 19, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HJR 62 – Proposes a constitutional amendment specifying that each citizen has an inherent liberty that includes being able to make decisions regarding lawful health care related services or products.
- February 11, 2014 – Representative Anne Zerr, Chair of the House Economic Development Committee – Sponsors Omnibus Tax Credit Bill – Turns in HCS HB 1501 on the Omnibus Tax Credit Bill and includes Pro-life protections in House Committee Sub (HCS HB 1501).
- February 11, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of HB 1529 – Changes and nullifies multiple pro-life laws.
- February 11, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of HB 1583 – Repeals portions of language referring to the Missouri Science and Innovation Reinvestment Act (MOSIRA) and establishes provisions relating to tax credits for Missouri Technology Corporations without pro-life protections. Pro-Life Protective Language Placed on the Bill on March 4, MRL Neutral as Long as the 196.1127 Protections Stay on the Bill
- February 5, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of HB 1146 – Establishes the Adult Health Care Consent Act that specifies a priority of persons who can make health care decisions for a person who has been certified as unable to consent to his or her own care. This bill needs pro-life amendments to ensure that the family is still the decision maker in health care decisions, that food and hydration are not removed because of the question of quality of life, ensuring that court appointment does not overrule the wish of the patient and that patient care goes on while court battles are in process.
- February 5, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1252 – Changes the laws regarding custody and visitation rights of a father who attempted to coerce the mother of his child to obtain an abortion
- January 29, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of HB 1495 – Requires Missouri Technology Corporations to distribute money to specified early stage business development corporations for grants to newly formed businesses that have the potential for sales or development of new technologies. This includes business incubators at Universities where we know embryonic stem cell research has been done. –Pro-Life Protective Language Removed in Senate Floor Sub #2, MRL now OPPOSED to HB 1495 as of May 6, 2014
- January 29, 2014 –Testimony in Support of HB 1430 – Specifies that anyone providing medical services cannot be required to perform or participate in activities that violate his or her conscience or principles
- January 28, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of HB 1498 – Changes the laws regarding tax incentives and tax credits. Includes Establishing the Missouri Angel Investment Incentive Act – Opens the door for public funding of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research
- January 28, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1132 – Increases the amount of tax credits for contributions to pregnancy resource centers available in each fiscal year to $2.5 million
- January 22, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION to HB 1310 – Establishes the Missouri Angel Investment Incentive Act – Opens the door for public funding of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research –Pro-Life Protective Language Placed on the Bill on March 5, MRL Neutral as Long as the 196.1127 Protections Stay on the Bill
- January 22, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION to HB 1236 – Establishes the Missouri Angel Investment Incentive Act – Opens the door for public funding of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research –Pro-Life Protective Language Placed on the Bill on March 5, MRL Neutral as Long as the 196.1127 Protections Stay on the Bill
- January 22, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1313 – Changes the current waiting period for having an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours
- January 22, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1307 – Changes the current waiting period for having an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours
- January 22, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1193 – Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to establish cord blood collection sites across the state for transportation to the Saint Louis Cord Blood Bank
- January 22, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1192 – Requires both custodial parents or the guardian of a minor to be notified prior to the performance of an abortion on their minor child
- January 15, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1103 – Specifies that the constitutions and laws of the United States and Missouri must protect the rights of an alternatives-to-abortion agency and its officers to freely engage in activities without interference
- January 14, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1065 – Establishes the Show-Me Healthy Babies Program as a separate children’s health insurance program for any low-income unborn child
- January 14, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1063 – Establishes the Show-Me Healthy Babies Program as a separate children’s health insurance program for any low-income unborn child
- April 14, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HCS HB 1192 In Senate Committee -Requires both custodial parents or the guardian of a minor to be notified prior to the performance of an abortion on their minor child and specifies that the constitutions and laws of the United States and Missouri must protect the rights of an alternatives-to-abortion agency and its officers to freely engage in activities without interference
- April 14, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HCS HB’s 1307 & 1313 In Senate Committee – Changes the minimum waiting period before a woman can have an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours
- April 10, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1430 In Senate Committee – Specifies that anyone providing medical services cannot be required to perform or participate in activities that violate his or her conscience or principles
- April 9, 2014 –z Testimony in Support of HB 1132 In Senate Committee – Increases the amount of tax credits for contributions to pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes available in each fiscal year to $2.5 million
- March 26, 2014 – Testimony in Opposition of SB 912 – Changes the laws regarding tax incentives and tax credits. Rewrites MOSIRA and establishes the Missouri Technology Fund – Opens the door for public funding of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research with no pro-life protections. Pro-Life Protective Language Placed on the Bill on April 2, MRL Neutral as Long as the 196.1127 Protections Stay on the Bill
- March 12, 2014 – Testimony in Support of HB 1845 – Expands the requirements for parental consent for a minor to have an abortion
- March 10, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SB 770 – Changes the laws regarding the protection of women’s health care and requires more abortion clinic inspections.
- March 4, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SJR 38 – Prohibits Missouri state government from recognizing, enforcing, or acting in furtherance of certain actions of the federal government. Seeks to protect people of faith, faith based organizations and other constitutional rights.
- February 19, 2014 – Testimony in OPPOSITION of SB 698 – Changes the laws regarding tax incentives and tax credits. Includes Establishing the Missouri Angel Investment Incentive Act – Opens the door for public funding of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research.
- February 11, 2014 – Information from the Susan B. Anthony List about Planned Parenthood Relevant to SB 660 – Designates the priority for the state with respect to any funding for family planning services
- January 29, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SB 638 – Raises the fiscal year cap on the Pregnancy Resources Center Tax Credit from $2 million to $2.5 million
- January 28, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SB 546 – Modifies Missouri’ Health Care Freedom Act by prohibiting the state from implementing a health insurance exchange, prohibiting insurers from accepting remuneration and prescribing duties of the Attorney General for enforcement of the act. Speaking out against the anti-life effects of Obamacare and seeking protections through our state legislature.
- January 27, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SB 519 – Amends the current waiting period for having an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours
- January 27, 2014 – Testimony in Support of SB 519 – Amends the current waiting period for having an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours