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- Righttolife@missourilife.org
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:00
2013 Pro-Life
Legislative Information
2013 Pro-Life Legislative Information
House votes for Representatives are on Separate Pages Due to the Number of Votes.
There are a total of 76 votes. Number of Votes for each Legislator varies based on involvement in committees, etc.
Be sure to scroll down to the end of the document for a complete look at your Representative’s votes.
- July 12, 2013 – Victory for Babies and Protection for Women!
- May 17, 2013 – Missouri Right to Life Applauds Legislature for Passage of Multiple Pro-Life Bills
- May 7, 2013: Senate Votes to Send HB 400 Back to the House for Final Approval – HB 400 Bans Web-Cam Abortions. See how your Senator voted on this important legislation. See how your Senator voted on this important legislation.
- Missouri Right To Life Applauds House For Passage Of Ban On Web-Cam Abortion Legislation; Calls On Senate To Act
- May 7, 2013 Vote on SCS SB 126 – Pharmacy Conscience Clause
- MO Supreme Court Strikes Down MOSIRA
- ObamaCare at the bottom of the ninth
- Analysis of Mandate Revisions
- Being Pro-Life is Not Just About Abortion
- April 24, 2013: Open Letter to Missouri House and Senate Members Regarding Economic Development Legislation that Threatens the Lives of Innocent Human Beings
- March 27, 2013: Memo to Senator Bob Dixon, Chairman and Senator Ed Emery, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Requesting Vote to Move Forward SB 175, Pro-Life Bill to Ban Web-Cam Abortions
- February 5, 2013: Invitation to Legislators to attend the pro-life rally scheduled for Tuesday, February 19 at noon in the first floor rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol.
- Lobby Day Flyer
- January 22, 2013: The following Bulletin Insert was delivered to all legislators along with a single red rose in Memorial to the over 55 million lives lost to abortion on this 40th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.
- January 22, 2013: Memo Delivered to Republican House Members and Pro-Life Democrat Members regarding signing on to Rep. Jeanie Riddle’s bill to ban web-cam abortions.
- April 17, 2013: Prohibits any requirement that pharmacies carry a specific drug or device.
- April 9, 2013: Testimony in Support of HCR 35 – Requests the Attorney General to argue on appeal that the federal contraception mandate violates the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act as well as the First Amendment of the Constitution.
- April 8, 2013: Testimony in Opposition to HB 620… Two Amendments Requested – HB 620 Establishes the Buck Stops Here Economic Development Tax Credit Reform Program that provides tax incentives through retained withholding taxes and refundable income and financial institution tax credits for qualified companies. Life concerns in the areas of research and abortion.
- March 26, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 716 – Establishes the “Show-Me Heatlhy Babies Program” as a separate CHIPs program for low-income unborn children.
- March 13, 2013: Testimony in Support of HJR 19 – Proposes a constitutional amendment specifying that each citizen has an inherent liberty that includes being able to make decisions regarding lawful health care related services or products.
- March 13, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 400 – Establishes requirements for the administration of RU-486 or any other abortion-inducing drug or chemical.
- March 6, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 457 – Specifies that anyone providing medical services cannot be required to perform or participate in activities that violate his or her conscience or principles.
- February 27, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 298 – Requires an ultrasound to be conducted and reviewed with the pregnant woman prior to the 24-hour waiting period for an abortion.
- February 27, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 177 – Establishes the Abortion-inducing Drugs Safety Act which places restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs.
- February 26, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 31 – Specifies that the constitutions and laws of the United States and Missouri must protect the rights of an alternatives-to-abortion agency and its officers to freely engage in religious activities without interference.
- February 19, 2013: HB 389 MRL Opposed in the Committee Hearing and became Neutral on the HCS HB 389 – Rep. Anne Zerr, Sponsor – Economic Development Bill dealing with types of research. MRL requested pro-life protections since “human” life sciences research was a part of this bill. The committee chose to simply take out the funding for human research and maintain the other forms of research. Missouri Right to Life became neutral at that time. We continue to monitor any changes to HCS HB 389.
- February 12, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB’ 20, 15 & 19 – Reinstates and extends the provisions regarding the tax credit for a contribution to a pregnancy resource center. This tax credit benefits all the great work of the Pregnancy Resource Centers across the State of Missouri as they help women in crisis pregnancies.
- February 6, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 386 – Establishes the Abortion Ban for Sex Selection and Genetic Abnormalities Act of 2013 to prohibit an abortion solely due to the sex of the unborn child or a genetic abnormality diagnosis.
- February 5, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 288 – Reinstates and removes sunsets on the tax credits for pregnancy resource centers. This tax credit benefits all the great work of the Pregnancy Resource Centers across the State of Missouri as they help women in crisis pregnancies.
- January 22, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 87 – Reinstates and extends the provisions regarding the tax credit for a contribution to a pregnancy resource center beginning July 1, 2013. This tax credit benefits all the great work of the Pregnancy Resource Centers across the State of Missouri as they help women in crisis pregnancies.
- April 15, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 457 – Specifies that anyone providing medical services cannot be required to perform or participate in activities that violate his or her conscience or principles.
- February 18, 2013: Testimony in Support of SB 50 – Provides protections for Alternatives to Abortion Agencies to freely engage in religious practices.
- February 18, 2013: Testimony in Support of SB 84 – Provides for the conscience rights of individuals who provide medical services.
- February 18, 2013: Testimony in Support of SB 126 – Prohibits any requirement that pharmacies carry a specific drug or device.
- February 18, 2013: Testimony in Support of SB 175 – Requires the physical presence of the physician who prescribed or dispensed any abortion-inducing drugs while such drug is administered.
- January 23, 2013: Testimony in Support of HB 15 & 20 – Reinstates and extends the provisions regarding the tax credit for a contribution to a pregnancy resource center. This tax credit benefits all the great work of the Pregnancy Resource Centers across the State of Missouri as they help women in crisis pregnancies.