About Us

About Us

Missouri Right to Life is composed of three organizations: the main nonprofit corporation called “Missouri Right to Life,” the MRL Political Action Committees (PACs), and an affiliated nonprofit corporation called “Missouri Right to Life Educational Fund.” The requirements of the Internal Revenue Code for nonprofit organizations and the requirements of federal election law drive the choice of this structure.
Regions and chapters are components of the main nonprofit corporation, Missouri Right to Life. They help it to carry out its work in every area of the state and, in turn, give it the strength of a statewide grassroots organization. The more effective that MRL is, the more the lives of the unborn and the vulnerable are benefited.

Our Vision

Transforming society to respect and protect all innocent human life.

Our Mission

Missouri Right to Life is a non-partisan, multi-denominational, state-wide organization which upholds and promotes the sanctity of all innocent human life from the inception of biological development through natural death by providing education, by supporting legislation and programs that endorse that ideal, and by organizing citizens for effective results.

MRL RegionS

If you are interested in local pro-life activity in your town or area, please call or email the state office at the above number or address.

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