- (573) 635-5110
- Righttolife@missourilife.org
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:00
MOHELA Information
MOHELA Information
- For the House votes on SB389 (sale of MOHELA assets) click here (PDF File)
- For the Senate votes on SB 389 (sale of MOHELA assets) (PDF File)
- For the Press Release on the Senate vote on SB 389 (sale of MOHELA assests) (PDF File)
- Background Information Concerning MOHELA Sale (PDF File)
- Memorandum to House Members (PDF File)
- Testimony of Missouri Right to Life
In Opposition to SB 389 (PDF File) - Memorandum to Senate members (PDF File)
- February 15 Memo to Senators (PDF File)