- (573) 635-5110
- Righttolife@missourilife.org
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:00
Show-Me Life Legislative Action
Web Event
March 9 - April 14, 2021
Welcome to the
MRL Show-Me Life
Legislative Action Event

Thank you for joining our Website Legislative Action Event. Please be aware that this effort is ongoing, starting on March 9th and ending on April 14th at the Midwest March for Life.
Below you will see many wonderful videos, providing words of instruction, and spiritual and motivational inspiration. Please check out Susan Klein’s video for further Legislative Action instructions. Also check out each inspirational and motivational video.
In addition, the most important part of this legislative action effort is communication between you, the pro-life constituent, and your legislators and elected officials. At the link below, you will find a PDF of the two-page legislative action letter to send to your elected officials. Please print out 5 copies of the letter, fill them out and either send them all to us at the address below (to be delivered by hand) or one each directly to your Representative, Senator, Speaker of the House, President Pro-tem of the Senate and the Governor. See the list below for names and addresses. See below to determine your State Senator and your State Representative. The videos and the legislative action letter will be available every day between March 9th and April 14th.
You can also sign up for our Pro-life Legislative Action Network and send the card electronically to each of the individuals listed above.
Legislative Action Campaign Speakers
Steve Rupp, MRL President
Susan Klein,
MRL Executive Director
Legislative Liaison
Father Anthony J. Viviano
Pro-life Moderator for
the Diocese of Jefferson City
Dr. John Yeats
Executive Director
Missouri Baptist Convention
Missouri Governor Mike Parson
Missouri Senator Roy Blunt
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley
Missouri Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe
Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life
Communicate With Your Elected Officials
Thank you for joining our Website Legislative Action Event. The most important part of this effort is communication between you, the pro-life constituent, and your legislators and elected officials. At the link below, you will find a PDF of the two-page legislative action letter to send to your elected officials. Please print out 5 copies of the letter, fill them out and either send them all to us at the address below (to be delivered by hand) or one each directly to your Representative, Senator, Speaker of the House, President Pro-tem of the Senate and the Governor. See the list below for names and addresses. See below to determine your State Senator and your State Representative.
Missouri Right to Life
PO Box 651
Jefferson City MO 65102
Speaker of the House Rob Vescovo
Room 308, Capitol Building
Jefferson City MO 65101
Governor Mike Parson
Room 216, Capitol Building
Jefferson City MO 65101
President Pro-tem Dave Schatz
Room 326, Capitol Building
Jefferson City MO 65101
Critical Information
MRL Opposes Research for Vaccines With No Pro-Life Boundaries
Missouri Right to Life supports finding a vaccine for COVID-19 (or other vaccines) through ethical research that does not include tissue from aborted babies or embryonic stem cell research.
We encourage our state and national leaders to support ethical research as they work to find a vaccine for the corona virus (COVID-19). The goal is saving and protecting lives at every step of the process for everyone.
Additional Information:
It is important that all industries, but especially medical, scientific, and pharmaceutical industries, adhere to ethical guidelines that protect life at all stages and in all conditions. An open-ended invitation to subsidize any and all research can lead to shortcuts and abuses that do not uphold the best interests of medicine or the citizens whom medical research should serve. A few potential examples are trafficking in aborted fetal organs and tissues supposedly for drug testing or study of viruses and vaccines, as well as altered abortion procedures and timing to procure desired particular gestational age organs, creation and destruction of human embryos by fertilization, cloning (somatic cell nuclear transfer), and other techniques, for study of the embryos directly as well as to harvest cells for development of cell lines, for toxicology and teratology studies, as well as vaccine and drug development and testing. Moreover, there is no necessity for creation or use of embryos, embryonic stem cells, fetal tissue and organs, or fetal cell lines. Numerous ethical alternatives already exist, modern and in many cases already proven. Ethically guided science and medicine is actually the best investment for success.
Regional Advertisers
Mid-State Region
Gold Patrons
- Margaret Ward, State Farm Insurance, Sedalia
- Craig and Regina Eufinger and Family
- Culligan Water Conditioning, Sedalia
- Mrs. Irma Linsenbardt
- Becca’s Framing, Sedalia
Silver Patrons
- Gerald and Delores Wolf
- The Van Leer Family
Rose Patron
- Ruben and Patricia Twenter
- Valerie Bloess, State Farm Ins.e